Comments on: How to Translate into Runes Correctly Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:14:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:14:23 +0000 Hi! I love the analysis of how one ought to properly translate–very insightful and it illustrates how *real* translation work is accomplished, especially with regard to complex texts or (as

[One quibble regarding

“no such thing as cases exists in English”

Well, not entirely true, right? There are pronouns which exhibit case (and gender!). But of course nouns and their accompanying articles and adjectives don’t care about their rôles in the sentence, and so don’t require declension in response to shifts of case.]

By: Santiago Cruz Sun, 30 Jan 2022 13:47:36 +0000 The answer to your question on how to co vert an archaic language is to know the sound. So how do foreigners describe Old Norse, for example the Arabic then ask an Aramaic (ancient Arabic) speaker what that might sound like. Ask 10 in fact. That’s the phonetics. Next loom to Old Norse names. Break down their intended meaning and direct meaning. To use your German example William is actually Willhelm. This we know is used to mean ‘Protector’ by its use in language Will means Desire Helm is a helmet. This gives cultural significance to a strong head and strong mind being Strong (strong enough to protect) it has also given is three words and context. A protector is someone strong enough to protect with the desire to protect. It gives practical use if how desire is used in language. Names and phrases, Old ones especially in their original form, I how we coded language and knowledge in the past. They are found in modern names and Old songs. It’s not easy person it is within reach though and I suspect worthwhile.

By: Liz Mon, 17 Aug 2020 01:48:15 +0000 I’m trying to convert “Iron Maiden” into runes. I tried first translating it in Old Norse. I translated it verbatim (but not sure if that’s grammatically correct): járn mær. Then tried my hand at translating it to Long Branch myself. I came up with: iron (járn): ᛁᛅᚱᚾ maiden (mær): ᛘᛅᚱ (or is it ᛘᛅᛦ ?). But keeping with the guide rules, could it be ᛁᚱᚾ ᛘᛅ ? Or should the duplicate rune only be taken out after the first appearance? Appreciate any help!

By: Bruce Fri, 31 May 2019 10:22:37 +0000 Since names have meaning, I would think the best way to transliterate your name into an authentic Runic inscription would be to find out what your name means/meant in its original language and then find the Runic inscription that means the same thing. For example, if you wanted to get a Runic inscription for your dog’s dog collar and his name is Rex, you would find the symbol for King and use that.

By: Natalie Sun, 19 May 2019 02:08:07 +0000 Hello! Can you share anything about bind runes? I am wondering if I can combine runes as I like to create one symbol, but want to be sure I follow any “rules” around doing so. For instance, if 2 of the runes being combined have a straight line in the middle, should they overlap that line or be next to one another in a certain order? Anything you can share, or anywhere you can direct me is much appreciated!

By: Michael Tue, 13 Nov 2018 02:12:33 +0000 Hey there. So, I’m wanting a runic tattoo. And of course I want it to mean something. Basically, I want it to have parts that remind me of…life. And what i do in life. Justice. Fight. Warrior. Protect. sacrifice. Love. Humble. I’m a soldier and I want to get something that represents who I am at heart. And at heart, I am a soldier and i fight for all things right. I’ve thought about getting this tattoo as a band or something on my forearm. With your knowledge of this material, I want your input on what the tattoo should be, specifically. I also kinda dont want it to be just plain runes. I mean, yes the runes have to be there and have to be the main subject that everyone sees. But what about, like a back drop to the tattoo? Or designs to go with the arm band tattoo idea. Something that matches, ya know? Sorry this is long and I hope you can be of some help

By: dan Fri, 03 Aug 2018 11:29:33 +0000 Hi,

Was there an authentic younger futhark runic inscription for gjallarhorn? I want to engrave it on my drinking horn and realise that converting it from the english to younger futhark would not be something recognisable to a native speaker (if there were any around). However, seeing as it would have been a word that was known at the time is there an authentic inscription?

By: Viking Rune Mon, 07 Aug 2017 11:56:13 +0000 In reply to David.

David, you may want to try our rune converter for that.

By: Viking Rune Mon, 07 Aug 2017 11:54:51 +0000 In reply to Enoch.

Enoch, these runes are from the Elder Futhark runic alphabet.

By: Enoch Tue, 18 Apr 2017 07:13:15 +0000 Hi! I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo on my back to honor my Norse/Danish ancestry, but as you’ve mentioned here, it’d be pretty awkward if I got it wrong! I want all 5 runes across m shoulder blades and here is what I’ve got from my research so far:
So far I have ‘Mannaz’ for family (the rune that looks like an “M”)
‘Tiwaz’ for honor (looks lit a “T”)
‘Kenaz’ for wisdom (looks like a open bird beak)
‘Wunjo’ for joy (looks like a pointy “P”)
And I want one for Courage but can’t find any that really fit?

Also, from the research I’ve done I’m pretty sure these are all from the same alphabet (Short Twig?) but I wanted to be sure.
Can you point me in the right direction for a rune that captures the concept of courage? I greatly appreciate the help!
