Comments on: Viking Hairstyles: Is Ragnar’s Haircut Historical? Sat, 12 Feb 2022 01:55:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Slav Sat, 12 Feb 2022 01:55:49 +0000 In reply to Torben.

Viking is just a profession or activity, not ethnicity. Slavs were participating in viking activities too. Savic vikings were called for example “chąśnicy” in case of these from western Pomeranian region of present day Poland.

By: Slav Sat, 12 Feb 2022 01:50:31 +0000 In reply to Fred.

It could be color marking for cardinal directions. White, Black, Red, Yellow(Golden)/Blue/Green are common conventions for marking different cardinal directions and “center” – exact order might differ between groups. You can see them in used in Kyivian Ruthenia (Black Ruthenia, White Ruthenia, Red Ruthenia), you can see them used by steppe cultures (Golden Orde and other “color” Ordes) and I found some claims that Native Americans of both Americas also used these colors.

By: Val Wed, 29 Sep 2021 10:56:55 +0000 Interestingly enough, in Ukraine, the traditional haircut for men is exactly the same as described by Leo wore by King Sviatoslav – thick long moustache and clean shaved head with a hair lock falling from one side. Google “oseledets”, many people in Ukraine wear this even now. It appears that after the fall of Kievan Rus to Mongol and Lithuanian invaders, the Ukrainian cossacks preserved this ancient tradition. It’s hard to tell whether this has Norse or Slavic roots, but it’s a fascinating case nevertheless.

By: blazeaglory Thu, 01 Jul 2021 08:53:17 +0000 In reply to Isabelle Gautier-Offerdahl.

Just like today there’s plenty of different styles. Some were bearded. Some weren’t. We can’t draw absolutes on most things back then anyways.

There’s a 2000 year old tapestry that shows a Scythian on a horse (without stirrups) and he’s clean shaven except for a GIANT handlebar mustache. No joke

By: ZRaizel Thu, 13 May 2021 18:01:32 +0000 I think it worth noting that you did not mention the abundance of combs that existed in that time. I am certainly no expert, but I have read much and seen many examples of prized combs viking and ancient Scandinavian peoples had. I suppose the argument could be made that it was for women’s hair, but honestly I don’t buy that. I am fairly sure many of the men were buried and found with their hygiene kits which included combs. This would at the very least indicate a long enough beard to bother, if nothing else, but I would think it likely they would use it for their hair. A certain length of hair stops really needing a comb I would think. That’s just my two cents.

By: dexnom Sun, 06 Dec 2020 23:14:54 +0000 In reply to Isabelle Gautier-Offerdahl.

If beard is fantasy why all sculptures and engraving showing viking man with beard?

By: dexnom Sun, 06 Dec 2020 23:12:25 +0000 In reply to John.

It is not quite truth. Longer hair was wanted under helmets, they worked as layer of protection and also it is much more confortable to wear it. Just try one of these steel medieval helmets. When fighter was not rich enough to have helmet, no hair was prefered as you said.

By: Fred Sat, 24 Oct 2020 01:01:33 +0000 In reply to John.

I believe I read once it was either due to the nature of their presence with the ‘white Danes’ being traders and the ‘black Danes’ being invaders or that it was the predominate hair colour of the respective ‘Danes’ with blonde being white and dark hair being black. Specifically that those from Norway were more likely dark haired and those from other parts of Scandinavia being more likely to be blonde. Probably more nuance to it though.

By: Herman Fri, 18 Oct 2019 14:22:09 +0000 In reply to Isabelle Gautier-Offerdahl.

There is evidence suggesting otherwise. On Gotlandic picture stones, men and warriors are pictured with pointy chins suggesting beards. There are also beards on male figurines from the viking age in Scandinavia and Iceland as well as on wood carvings on the Oseberg ship.

By: John Tue, 03 Sep 2019 23:19:57 +0000 In reply to Viking Rune.

Why were the Danes called “Black”? Is this a joke?
