The word valknut is a neologism: it is formed in modern times through combination of ON valr, ‘the dead’ or ‘the slain’ and knut, ‘knot’. Valknut is a Viking symbol of three interconnected triangles. The triangles may be joined in two ways: either as Borromean:

or unicursal:

Note that other types of valknuts, such as closed three-link chain, never occur in the original Viking ornaments. One should keep that in mind when using the valknut in Viking tattoos or runic tattoos, since only the above two designs are genuine Viking valknuts. Consider the Borromean triangles type, which occurs on the Stora Hammar rune stone.
Here above the valknut we see a raven, Odin’s symbol. Below the valknut is probably a burial mound. A dead warrior is put there by someone with a spear and accompanied by another raven. The spear is probably Gungnir, Odin’s weapon. The other sign of Odin’s presence is a warrior hanged on a tree to the left of the mound. All the symbols around the valknut, which is in the central position here, point to death and to Odin as a god of slain warriors.
The unicursal type of valknut (which can be drawn with one stroke) appears on Tängelgarda stone:

Other instances of the valknut in Viking ornaments are Lärbro stone, River Nene ring and a bedpost found on the Oseberg ship.
However, knot of the slain is not the only possible interpretation of the valknut. It is also called Hrungnir’s heart. This name is based on a description found in the Prose Edda:
“Hrungnir had a heart that was famous. It was made of hard stone with three sharp-pointed corners just like the carved symbol Hrungnir’s Heart (hrungnishjarta).”
The original meaning and function of the valknut is not wholly clear. The number three is a very common magic symbol in many cultures. However, in Scandinavian context three multiplied by three might designate the nine worlds, which are united by the Yggdrasil tree. In modern times Valknut, like Triquetra and Horn Triskelion, is often interpreted as a symbol pointing to heathen convictions.
Copyright notice: Valknut images above are by © The Viking Rune. Images of Stora Hammar and Tängelgarda stones are public domain.
I believe it perfectly suits an MMA fighter. As a man of the birth name Gunnar in North America of all places, I’m inclined to think everyone has a destiny, just as our northernew ancestors did (I’m not only named Gunnar by Birthright, I am also Blonde hair and blue eyes, a True descendant from the great norse kingdoms. The Valknut in whole illuminates the idea that at ANY given moment you will be taken to Odin OR Heimdall. The symbol is the unwavering will to Odin, and your will to fall in battle. I’m only an Asatru man (Asaman) but I’ve LEARNED from Odinist. I have a Mjölnir tattooed onto my right forearm so that Whatever idea I may have would have the force to level mountains behind it, and solely because Thor is the protector of the Midgaard realm and it’s folkind, closest relation between gods and man, next to Heimdall, who is said to travel in the form of mortals quite often. What I am trying to say, is that symbolic tattoos should been taken lightly and that you are 110% before indulging. Some people don’t have minds of steel and are mentally crushed beneath the symbol if it is not meant to be. I respect the symbols of the gods and have not suffered any -major- symptoms of misuse. However, that does not stop vivid dreaming, caused by the tattoo. Atleast once a week I will have a dream involving a random social scenario, where someone asks what that symbol on my forearm is, and I’ll tell them. Try as they may to laugh and scoff at you, but should your mental endurance shine thru, you will often turn their question unto them, making them sound even more foolish than whatever you might think at the time of the question, 100 fold. My only advice once again, take tattoo symbolicsm seriously, as the Valknut is even more powerful than Mjölnir, though Thor is the strongest of all the asagods physically, Odin is the All-father for a reason.
Thank you for sharing this, very interesting.
What are your thoughts on the relationship between this mighty symbol and the number 9? ie three triangles with three sides = 9
Given the prevalence of the number 9 in Asatru beliefs this seems significant. e.g. Nine Noble Virtues and such
This may or may not be coincidence. We simply don’t know.
I am wishing to get a Valknut done. My biological mothers name was “Bjarnason” My Father was a “McIntyre”.
The symbol has called to me since i wzs a boy in the early 70s. Finally found an artist I trust to put ink to skin.
Do you find any objections or reasons my wish for this to be inked should not come to pass. If so please let me know.
As for me, I don’t have any objections at all.
I am writing a fiction story which includes some sections of different myths and I wanted to use this symbol on a character I have created who came from valuable. But I don’t know much about it can you help
Didn’t the article above help you, Kirsty?
I had a valknut tattoo done,is it true that vikings carried the Valknut on their shields so that the Valkyire may take them to Valhallah?
I don’t think so.
Actually, I have heard this to be true many times.
Its absolutely true. You should definitely not comment if you dont know the correct 411.
If I get a valknut tattoo (a modest one), because I come from a Scandinavian family, I’m not being disrespectful, am I? It will be my first and I just want to be educated more about it before I make any permanent decisions.
Hello. I don’t see any reason to think you are doing something disrespectful.
If you familiar with a divine masculine and a divine feminine you may know already that you can see/feel your divine masculine within yourself . Its also comes with the simbolic/simbols in some cases. Meditation or visual practices may help you to see your special simbols…it may be a warrior or a peace keeper ..Its a great and deep experience to look and see your multiple self :)
Thank you for sharing this, Julia.
I am a professional mma fighter of Nordic decent and overall fan of Viking lore. I’ve been planning on having the Valknut as my first tattoo to symbolize to myself before each fight that I’m not here to just win, that I’m looking for an adversary worthy of a good death and to fight with warrior spirit – also how I generally tackle all challenges life throws my way. Would this be an appropriate interpretation of this symbol?
Hello. I think your interpretation does not contradict what we know about the Viking Age warrior values.
El valknut es un símbolo que ha estado en mi familia por mucho tiempo y ahora lo llevó yo hace unos años lo llevó en el brazo ,no sabía su historia hasta este blog s maravilloso darme cuenta de por que esta en mi familia quizá los que lo llevmvamos en el cuerpo es por que así debe ser . gracias
Thanks for the feedback, Suriel.
The valknut is associated with violent death and should be used very carefully,it is not a trivial symbol that one should use based on aesthetic qualities alone.
Be careful.
Hello Aesc. Thanks for the warning.