Younger Futhark: Rune Names and Rune Meanings

At the end of the 8th century an unknown rune-master reformed the Elder Futhark having reduced it to 16 runes. By the 10th century the new form of writing was accepted in the whole of Scandinavia. This variant of runic alphabet is known as the Younger Futhark. It is this set of runes that may be properly called Viking runes, since they were used by the Scandinavians during the Viking Age:

Younger Futhark runes

The spoken language of that period underwent serious changes. For instance, the number of vowels grew from 5 to 9. If the Agnlo-Saxon Futhorc multiplied the original Common Germanic runes to adapt them for the Old English, the Scandinavian solution was to reduce their number. The most of the runes could now designate a variety of sounds. The earliest Younger Futhark inscriptions were found in Denmark, that’s why they are sometimes called Danish runes (these are ‘normal’ Younger Futhark runes, see the first row above). However, very soon another variant of the Younger Futhark developed. These runes are sometimes called Norwegian-Swedish or Rök runes (see the second row above). Because of the obvious differences between the two, their more common respective names are long-branch and short-twig runes. The trend towards minimalism triumphed in another variant of the Younger Futhark, so called staveless or Hålsinge runes, which were used only in a restricted area (see the third row above).
Normal and short-twig runes were often mixed in inscriptions, which led to appearance of other regional variants. Later inscriptions were carved using so called Medieval runes. Basically, it is the same Younger Futhark with only a few changes, since propagation of the roman alphabet led to the addition of new runes that corresponded to letters, which had no counterparts in the 16-rune system (note that the nasalized /ã/ sound changed into /o/ and the corresponding rune now designated /o/, accordingly). Below, for the sake of convenience, the Medieval runes are arranged in ABC order:

Medieval runes

The rune-names of the Younger Futhark are given below, each with a verse from the Icelandic Rune Poem (15th century) that explains their meanings. The translation is by B. Dickins (published in 1915).

fé, ‘wealth’
source of discord among kinsmen
and fire of the sea
and path of the serpent.
úr, ‘shower’
lamentation of the clouds
and ruin of the hay-harvest
and abomination of the shepherd.
þurs, ‘giant’
torture of women
and cliff-dweller
and husband of a giantess.
ą́ss, ‘god’
aged Gautr
and prince of Ásgarðr
and lord of Vallhalla.
reið, ‘riding’
joy of the horsemen
and speedy journey
and toil of the steed.
kaun, ‘ulcer’
disease fatal to children
and painful spot
and abode of mortification.
hagall, ‘hail’
cold grain
and shower of sleet
and sickness of serpents.
nauð, ‘constraint’
grief of the bond-maid
and state of oppression
and toilsome work.
iss, ‘ice’
bark of rivers
and roof of the wave
and destruction of the doomed.
ár, ‘plenty’
boon to men
and good summer
and thriving crops.
sól, ‘sun’
shield of the clouds
and shining ray
and destroyer of ice.
týr, ‘Týr’
god with one hand
and leavings of the wolf
and prince of temples.
bjarkan, ‘birch’
leafy twig
and little tree
and fresh young shrub.
maðr, ‘man’
delight of man
and augmentation of the earth
and adorner of ships.
lögr, ‘water’
eddying stream
and broad geysir
and land of the fish.
ýr, ‘yew’
bent bow
and brittle iron
and giant of the arrow.

Images and charts above are copyright © The Viking Rune

182 comments… add one
  • Antoni Dexter

    I want to have my wife’s name tattoo’d to my back in runes in Old Norse. Does anybody know a link to show my tattooist please.

    • Viking Rune

      Hi Antoni. You may provide the tattoo artist with a link to this site. I think it will help.

  • Erik

    How would I write “norðmaðr”, “fransk”, “norvegr” and “vikingr” in short-twig (Norwegian way if possible)? What would be the most appropriate form? In short-twig, there so many ways…


    • Viking Rune

      Hello Erik. It is the short twig variant of the Younger Futhark that is associated with Norway and Sweden. The table above shows which sounds represented which runes.

  • Christy

    Hello. I am interested in getting a back tattoo that is in runes. Our family line is linked to “the viking king”. I was curious, exactly what runes would we use? Long-branch or short-twig? The words I would like down my back are: God Jay Zayin Eve Aria. It may seem weird but it is because God is over my family, and then my husband, and then my children. Is there anyway you could send me an image of how it should look?

    Thank you for all the information by the way, it’s wonderful to learn about all of this.

    • Christian

      Out of curiousity what viking king is that? Also if you’re a God fearing person then why are you getting runes? Runes are an ancient Germanic Pagan script and a means of divination. If you’re not a Heathen or at least someone who understands the deeper meaning of runes beyond the superficial/secular “alphabet” then you may want to steer clear of them. These aren’t Scandinavian kanji they’re sigils that will always be indelibly linked to the ancient Germanic pantheon.

      • Kay

        Just because she used the word ‘God’ doesn’t mean she believes in yours…

      • williamblake

        The Vision of Christ that thou dost see, is my Vision’s greatest enemy.

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Christy. You may want to use our rune converter.

  • MRt

    i noticed you do not have jera?

    kind of looks like a close

    in fact lots is missing?

    is this deliberate?

  • Em

    OMG! I am doing a school project on the Runes. This is so helpful! Thank you so much.

    • Viking Rune

      You are welcome, Em.

  • Ingibjörg Ýr

    This explanation was not good enough for me. I’m from Iceland and have been learning about the fúþark. But in your explanation I see runes I haven’t seen before or their meanings different. But you might be right nevertheless. Cuz’ i have only been learning about them based on their magical meanings.
    Oh, and by the way, the runes name isn’t óss, it’s supposed to be Ás.

    • Dewey

      oss or As:
      the name used depends upon the time period. This is mainly a function of language evolution over years/centuries of use. But the meanings should be essentially similar.

      • Eirik

        As a runologist and student of runic inscriptions, I can confirm that Ingibjörg Ýr is at least partially right. The Old Norse word for ‘god’ was indeed Ás. The changing of the name to óss was not merely a matter of language changing over time, but is in fact the Anglo-Saxon word for ‘god’. The rune was only called óss by the Anglo-Saxons, who adapted the Elder Futhark to Old English. The Anglo-Saxon runic alphabet is known today as Futhorc.

        • Leif Vikingruneravenodinson

          Hey Leif, those are some kick-ass credentials, bud. Pretty much everyone here shares them.

  • ironore

    040610 – Thank you for the information! It took some searching, but these are the runes that most closely resemble those used by DreamWorks in “How To Train Your Dragon” so I am guessing they based theirs on these (at least the one script that appears in the film and the animated shorts, there is another script that incorporates other runes and makes no sense to me as of yet).

    • Viking Rune

      Yes, they used the Younger Futhark runes.

  • Joe

    Do you know what the meaning is for ‘oss’ when it’s backwards?

    • Viking Rune

      Hi Joe. In the Viking Age runic inscriptions the meaning of the rune is not changed when it is used in a right-to-left orientation.

  • Oli

    This is so interesting. Your site makes me want to know more and more, excellent work.

  • Julien

    Very, very interesting. Thank you so much for your explanation about viking runes. Always wanted to write my name in runes.

    • Viking Rune

      Thanks for the feedback!

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